"The key to success for financial firms is in having a technology that can embrace changes, and be upgraded on the fly"
Strong Buy and Strong Sell
To help investors gain triple digit returns on their investments, Robocoder provides free stock trading predictions and subscription services via a P2P trading strategy subscription platform. “Whether you are a novice who wants to learn from the best, or a seasoned stock trader who wants to sharpen your trading strategies, Dentrader P2P trading strategy and prediction platform, is ideal for you,” remarks Lin. The platform not only gives users free and subscribed predictions on buying and selling strategies at major stock exchanges, but also connects to traders world-wide. DenTrader offers the opportunity for high returns and hand picks the traders with excellent track records, so that a client can leverage from positive trade history, which can be viewed through graphs and statistical records.
Subscribers to Dentrader receive the top traders' buying and selling records instantly after execution
With the world going mobile, the demand for flexibility of applications over mobile devices is increasingly growing. Gartner dubs it as “the cool factor” and its studies suggest that by 2016, use of mobile apps will surpass that of internet domain names, making mobile apps the dominant means of engaging with brands. With capital market gradationally adopting a cloud computing model on a global operating basis, there is a growing concern on security as user experience is becoming more and more dominant, especially on the web and via tablets and smartphones. “One of our clients was so concerned about vulnerability that they hired a security company to conduct a series of penetration tests on our cloud server,” explains Lin. Aside from standard encryption, as part of access control, Robocoder addresses the apprehensions of financial companies by IP Allow List, customizable password complexity and expiry, CAPTCHA, allowable login attempts, and successful versus unsuccessful login audit trails. Once the authentication is done, role based access is granted to users based on organization, responsibility, and business rules. “These security controls have enabled us to deliver applications that are not only multi-tenant, but also connect their customers and vendors to share valuable data online and in real time for effective and efficient communications,” adds Lin.
Rejuvenating Applications with Just a Click
Dentrader is built with Rintagi 4D—an open source, app platform designed to build unique high performance, and reliable enterprise Business Process Management (BPM) software applications at a fraction of time and cost.
Demystifying the Stock Market
In the days to come, apart from addressing mobile needs of their clients, Robocoder will continue to enhance its open source technology. By doing so, Robocoder aspires to harness the collective intelligence of the IT community so that the world can take advantage of Rintagi to develop next generation of capital market software. As trading platforms become more capable of addressing rapidly evolving business and regulatory demands, most financial institutions still struggle to make better and informed investments. Robocoder' s sole intention will be to strengthen customer satisfaction and guide them through indices predictions and trading strategies for maximum ROI. “Dentrader’s transparency allows financial success to be replicated and we will continue to reveal the world’s opportunity to our clients so that their investment persists to grow by leaps and bounds,” ends Lin.
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Robocoder Corporation
Nelson Lin, President
Provides a Peer-to-Peer automated option/stock trading strategy platform